
Are dreams similar to creating memories
Are dreams similar to creating memories

From a long-term evolutionary standpoint, our brain evolved to be our protector from danger.

are dreams similar to creating memories

Our RH relies on readily available habituated information. Think of the RH as a more intuition-based parallel processor, able to input information from our 5 senses as processed via our short-term memory. Our RH is connected solely to the present. Our LH also tends to be slow, given the volume of information needing processing and especially the information needed from our long-term memory. Past information, often from long-term memory Ĭurrent information, often from short-term memory andĬreates future forecast information, to help us make future judgments. So, learning something new on a regular basis will help you outrun brain disease! By the way, many neuroscientists believe we may decrease the chances of being affected by brain disease by ongoing synaptic growth. In the next section of the article, we will describe the process by which your brain learns and improves via synaptic growth. Learning to write well with your offhand will take significantly more practice, over many weeks. This is neuroplasticity in action! You are quite literally enabling new synaptic connections by learning something new. Notice that each time you write your name it gets a little quicker and the quality increases. Next, write your name with your offhand 10 times in a column on a single sheet of paper.

are dreams similar to creating memories

You will likely be disappointed with the quality of the penmanship. Then writing itself will take much concentration. It will likely feel odd to hold the pen in your offhand. Let us start with a simple exercise - try writing your name with the opposite hand from which you normally write.

Are dreams similar to creating memories